Writer, Direct, Producer : Jongcheon Choi
2017ㅣ 75min l Documentaryㅣ Europe
2 months ago, Jongcheon set off on a back-packing trip around Europe. His first stop was Paris, where he saw many street artists whose relaxed attitude captured his interest, as he himself used to play music on the streets back in Korea. Unfortunately at that point in his trip, his English was limited, so he had difficulty understanding one of the musicians when he tried to speak to them.
Short Videos Of The Film
Direct : Jongcheon Choi 최종천 |
Year : 2016 ㅣ Running time : 1min l Genre : NoneㅣNation : Korea |
It is the making of a film poster “Tomorrow Is Too Far” and was Painted by Eunji Choi.
Direct : Choi Jong-cheon 최종천 |
Year : 2016 ㅣ Running time : 8min l Genre : DocumentaryㅣNation : Korea |
This short film is about a music band “Hogy”, the street artists whom we met in Europe.
이번 비디오는 우리가 만난 유럽의 거리 예술가중에 밴드 ‘Hogy’의 이야기입니다.
Direct : Jongcheon Choi 최종천 |
Year : 2015 ㅣ Running time : 5min l Genre : Documentary ㅣNation : Korea |
It’s documentary short film about Street Artists of Madrid.
마드리드 거리 예술가의 대한 내용의 짧은 다큐멘터리.